Weekends at the J
12:30 - 2:00pm
$40 per Person per Event
Grades K - 2
Check out our cooking classes where we teach our young ones to make sweet treats throughout the year!
Sweet Treat Schedule
February 2: Pie Twists
March 2: Sweet Peach Cobbler
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3:00 - 5:00 pm
$50 per Person per Event
Grades 3 - 5
Check out our cooking classes, where we teach grades 3 - 5 how to make delicious dishes!
Chefs in Training Schedule
February 2: Gourmet Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup
March 2: Veggie Lasagna and Side Salad
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September - March
5:30 - 8:30 pm
Grades K - 5
Kids’ Nights Out: While the kids are at the J, the parents can play! Drop off your kids at the JCC for a fun night out! Each Kids' Night Out will have a different theme with games & activities, dinner, dessert and more!
March 8 - Spy Training
$40 per person
Activities Include: Laser Maze Escape, Spy Skills, Secret Scavenger Hunt, Ice Cream
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J345: Lock-In & Kids' Night Out
5:30 pm - 9:00 am
$125 per person
Grab your sleeping bag and settle in for a sleepover! This is an exclusive
extension of our Kid’s Night Out program, designed just for 3rd-5th
graders! Enjoy games like Flashlight Tag and Silent Library, plus late night snacks and a movie. Breakfast is included,
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Interested in having a Birthday Party with us? Click here>>
For further information contact Becca Wingardner at 561-712-5227 or RebeccaW@JCConline.com