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Jan 17, 2022

Mandel JCC Partners With Local Organizations to Provide COVID-19 Testing

As thousands are desperate to get tested for COVID-19, local organizations come together by opening their facilities for a testing site and at-home test dispensary.

Jan 11, 2022

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May 14, 2020

The Mandel JCC of the Palm Beaches Announces New Summer Days at the J Program

The Mandel JCC Kicks Off Virtual Programming Initiatives at Boynton Beach & Palm Beach Gardens Locations for Members & Community in Light of COVID-19, Quarantine

May 7, 2020

The Mandel JCC of the Palm Beaches Brings High-Level Virtual Programming with a Unique Film Opportunity

The Mandel JCC’s Virtual Programming Initiatives at Boynton Beach & Palm Beach Gardens Locations Have Brought High-Level Programming to the Community with an Upcoming Q&A Discussion with the director and the star of the newly released film, Resistance.

Apr 2, 2020

The Mandel JCC of the Palm Beaches Goes Virtual

The Mandel JCC Kicks Off Virtual Programming Initiatives at Boynton Beach & Palm Beach Gardens Locations for Members & Community in Light of COVID-19, Quarantine

Dec 16, 2019

Seniors and Kindergartners to Come Together to Celebrate Hanukkah During Heartwarming Intergenerational Event

PALM BEACH GARDENS, Fla. December 16, 2019 – Wanting to provide an opportunity for kindergarteners and seniors to come together this holiday season, La Posada and the Mandel JCC in Palm Beach Gardens (JCC) are coordinating a special Hanukkah event on December 18 from 3 p.m.- 4 p.m. at the Mandel JCC located at 5221 Hood Road in Palm Beach Gardens.

Sep 20, 2019

Mandel JCC of the Palm Beaches names Jesse Rosen as its new President & CEO

PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL (September 20, 2019) – The Mandel JCC of the Palm Beaches announced today the appointment of Jesse Rosen to President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Rosen, who joins the Mandel JCC after serving as Chief Operating Officer of the Milwaukee JCC, brings a wealth of vital experience, including a vision for creating dynamic experiences that connect people to Jewish life and a track record for implementing effective membership growth strategies, as well as innovative and engaging programming initiatives.

Feb 5, 2019

Mandel JCC hosts exhibit for prominent national Jewish artist, David Kapp

PALM BEACH GARDENS, Fla. (February 5, 2019) --- The Mandel JCC in Palm Beach Gardens is hosting an art exhibit for prominent Jewish artist David Kapp in its Lyons Art Gallery through February 28, 2019. This special, limited-engagement exhibit is free and open to the public, providing the Palm Beaches’ community access to high quality cultural arts. A member of the elite National Academy of Design – an honor bestowed to only 450 artists around the world and elected by peers – Kapp’s work will be featured this year as part of the organization’s national touring exhibition, For America; Paintings from the National Academy of Design, created in collaboration with the American Federation of Arts. Kapp is best known for his paintings of the contemporary urban landscape. The format of the work tends to be vertical or square and the horizon line itself has often been pushed beyond the edge of the canvas. Kapp’s paintings have been described as having “the feeling of silence that follows traffic noise, or the emotional distance of standing behind plate glass.”

May 9, 2018

Mandel JCC in Palm Beach Gardens Responds to Evolving Community Trends

PALM BEACH GARDENS, Fla. (May 4, 2018) --- The Mandel JCC has just completed its fiscal year planning and a thorough assessment of community needs and facilities usage. The Palm Beach Gardens community has expressed the following top priorities: group fitness classes, special needs programming, summer day camp, early childhood school, after-school programs, bridge, and cultural arts.

May 9, 2018

Evolving Community Trends

For more than 35 years, the Mandel JCC has been a cornerstone for Jewish life in Palm Beach County. Over the years the JCC has successfully responded to trends and community needs, expanding to two locations and touching the lives of thousands of people through high-quality arts, educational, wellness, and recreational programming.

Nov 1, 2017

Author and Grammy Nominated Artist Alexandra Silber Headlines Mandel JCC's 23rd Annual Signature Book Festival Luncheon

More than 250 guests gathered for the Mandel JCC's 23rd Annual Signature Book Festival Luncheon featuring noted author and Grammy-nominated actress, Alexandra Silber. The literary event, held Wednesday, November 15, 2017 at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts in West Palm Beach, was co-chaired by Sheila Englestein and Zelda Mason.

Jul 28, 2017


Camp Tikvah, the special needs program at the Mandel JCC’s Camp Shalom, received a $5,000 donation from the Pythian Youth Foundation, Inc. The foundation is the charitable arm of the Knights of Pythias of Florida, an international fraternal organization. This generous support brings the organization’s total donation to the Mandel JCC over $55,000 over the past nearly 16 years.

Jan 13, 2017


The Mandel JCC is thrilled to announce a one-of-a-kind upcoming family- friendly program, The Lego Workshop. On February 25, 2017, from 3-5pm the community will build Jerusalem using over 70,000 LEGO blocks. Partnering with Building Blocks Workshops, this high energy and fast-paced program will design a 400 square foot model of the old city including the walls, gates, the kotel, the beit hamikdosh, David’s Tower, the Montifiore Windmill and 80 buildings within the walls.